After getting skunked at Crane Prairie Reservoir I just had to catch some fish, so after work I headed over to Periwinkle Park, here in Albany, Oregon, to fish at the little pond there.
*Weather - Sunny and warm. Fished evening (about 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm). Air temperate was in the mid seventies. It was a beautiful evening.
*Fish - Caught 20 to 30 green sunfish and I was really surprised when I caught two really nice sized bluegill, maybe the biggest I have ever caught. They were about the size of my hand! I caught these at the little man-made waterfall that runs out of the pond.
*Flies - Caught most of the fish on a size 10 brown Woolly Worm. They gobbled it up!
Also used a Gray Hackled Peacock, Prince Nymph (no fish) and a size 12 Woolly Bugger (no fish).
It was a great way to recover a bit from the fishless morning at Crane Prairie Reservoir. There is something to be said for catching large numbers of fish within 5 minutes of my home here in Albany. I think I will take my son back there soon.
Tight Lines!
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